The R Roundup Presents: Documenting The Reserve Only Transition With The Lodge — 24/09/22 👉 20:30 UTC

Looking for communities that have shared alignments is a key part of extending the efforts to contribute to the emerging digital economy.

The R Roundup
6 min readSep 24, 2022

We have previously covered many angles of Reserve through articles, Twitter threads & many more content streams.

This is just an indication of how committed we are to speaking to ANY team that shares the same consistent level of frequent development in every way.

The Lodge production from a famous Reserve Protocol podcast called Reserve Only where they discuss everything to do with $RSR and more!

We spoke to them about their developments and their reasons for the consistent commitment to their favourite project Reserve!

Discovering The Reserve Only Transition With The Lodge

Russian DeFi: I am looking forward to this, I have been banging on about finally creating some content with The Lodge and Reserve Only so for those who may not be aware of what you guys do, let’s start with an introduction.

The Lodge: My name is Braden and I am one of the many hosts of Reserve Only, where we interview various Reserve team members, investors and community members to spread information about Reserve. I also moderate the Lodge when it is needed!

The Lodge — EL LODGE

Russian DeFi: I have recently spent quite some time in the Lodge group chat and it certainly is an interesting passionate space I must say.

As we have seen through the markets historically and even to date, more than ever community is so important. The social trends we emit come back to the markets more than ever. What do you think about The Lodge community giving Reserve that edge it needs to succeed?

The Lodge: El Lodge doesn’t take itself too seriously, which I think is important. Reserve is a serious subject, and I think Reserve Only will see success in maturely conveying information as well. Community-led content is incredibly important. If you have perspectives that you think are unique, sharing them is a great way to explore your thoughts.

Russian DeFi: There always needs to be a blend, I think something contributors have over builders is that they have the ability to kind of choose how serious they want/have to be.

It would be pointless for me to ask you if you are bullish on $RSR because that's obvious however playing devil's advocate, how would you explain to a novice why $RSR is your high conviction crypto play?

The Lodge: Currency is a value abstraction to facilitate transactions more seamlessly. However, due to this abstraction, the value of currencies and goods are allowed to appreciate or depreciate independently of each other.

You can remove the abstraction of modern currencies by building a mechanism that enables you to wrap goods into a traceable asset, thus giving the asset real value, rather than abstraction. This tends the abstraction discrepancy closer to zero, the more the asset/token resembles the composite value of those goods.

So, this type of currency building will of course require experimentation and will encounter issues along the way. RSR exists to govern and ensure these new currencies so that the RToken users are not the first to suffer should things depeg.

Russian DeFi: Seeing the mission explained in a way that would make sense to the average investor is probably the key part of really thinking about your investment with conviction.

I have no doubts that crypto is the place and market for me but when the communities get quiet and lonely its often difficult to stay engaged, how does el lodge aim/set out to maintain consistent engagement levels through bearish periods

The Lodge: Bearish periods are good for community building as there is less noise and more opportunity to form a strong community core. This also makes El Lodge much more fun to be in, as everyone knows each other. When the number is going up, it's difficult to organise anything or have any kind of conversation if every other message is “WHY PUMP” and “WE ARE GOING TO THE MOOOOON!”

The market is cyclical, so when it becomes bullish again, such a community reset improves the community long term. It becomes stronger and more connected.

Russian DeFi: I think that’s something that's once again actually attracted me to the community because usually I am quite a sceptic in getting involved in things centred around one project but it’s just a blend of contributing to building alongside Reserve and reporting that!

The Lodge has grown to almost 10k followers on Twitter which isn’t shy of great achievement, what does the end goal in this market look like for The Lodge?

The Lodge: The goal is 8 billion followers. We want every woman, man and child to own RSR and join the chat group and post-Nevin memes.

Russian DeFi: Hopefully when that day does come around, we can have established some great rewards from our interest in the project😂

Just to end off what has been a great chat with you guys, are there any exciting things that are coming from The Lodge for us to look forward to?

The Lodge: What is coming up is our website that will contain links to all ReserveOnly episodes, a medium publication where everyone can contribute to Reserve, a merch shop,.. and many other things

Reserve Only — The Lodge Production, Reserve Podcast

We just want to spread information as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Enable people to make their own decisions and reduce the total amount of time required to get a decent picture of certain situations.

Russian DeFi: It has been very fun to have a conversation about Reserve Only and what you guys are doing moving forward to continue the fantastic work you have already started.

I will place all the relevant links below so everyone will know where to find you guys!

The Lodge Additional Links:

Telegram Group:

The Lodge Twitter:


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Discovering The Reserve Only Transition With The Lodge



The R Roundup
The R Roundup

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