The Russian Roundup : Introduction

The R Roundup
2 min readAug 8, 2021


Over the past few months and weeks, we have been working on creating a platform for cryptocurrency investors to get a deeper insight to the current news surrounding the markets and provide a space where an opinion and analysis on the news can be provided.

What is The Russian Roundup about?

From Elon Musk clarifying his portfolio to the latest updates on the Tether news, The Russian Roundup is here to cover it all. We want to create a space where there is a subjective view on the news in the markets allowing all traders and investors to form their own opinions and plans moving forward. We want to reiterate, the crypto markets are ever-changing and it can be almost impossible to keep up and form a bias based off the news. The Russian Roundup aims to fill this gap by condensing the most important news articles of the week.

What impact will reading this newsletter have on my trading and investing?

The cryptocurrency markets is one of the most unique spaces to date and the lack of valid sources can impact many people in a negative light. Having a source which you can turn to in retrospect for face value information as well as additional perspectives which can help view the markets in ways which can aid us all to win.

Ideally, we would love for the markets to always go up and up only however, being realistic with the markets and knowing whats happening can help you play your cards right and increase your chances of success.

In Conclusion:The Russian Roundup aims to create a strong platform for news in crypto which can be referenced and eventually be a respected reputable news source for the whole of the cryptocurrency space. The journey to success is one all of us are embarking on the moment we decided to devote our time to crypto and building within the space is a passion of all those who are attached to The Russian Roundup platform. Many people are tied with responsibilities which can lead to missing vital information and they may be disadvantaged due to this therefore, The Russian Roundup is the perfect platform to paper over any cracks for all different types of traders/investors.

More information will be coming issues will be sent out sooner than you think but for the mean time, follow us on twitter for more updates and feel free to contact us for any extra queries. @RussianRoundup



The R Roundup
The R Roundup

Written by The R Roundup

The R Roundup is a news platform inspired to deliver unbiased news and authentic education. From #DeFi to #NFTs; The R Roundup is built for the readers.

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