The R Roundup Presents: Discovering The Importance Of Venture Capitalism With Himitsu Capital🏔 11/06/22 👉19:30 UTC

The R Roundup
9 min readJun 11, 2022


Often misconceived and misinterpreted is the sector of venture capitalism. There is arguably a deep lack of integrity for such an integral branch of the markets. But why?

Our readers may be extremely familiar with our guest today as he has been working ever so closely with The Russian Roundup as our CMO bringing his expertise to our publication.

With innovative ideas and a raging passion for assisting projects with their development, his idea for Himitsu Capital came to life.

There isn’t much more room for delay and with that being said…

Himitsu Capital🏔

Russian DeFi: This is a bit different for you to be the subject of question today but I can’t fathom my excitement to express the work we have done as a collective and merge the two projects.

For those living under a rock, let's give them an introduction.

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): For those who may be unfamiliar my name is Tmorebandz and I’m the Founder of Himitsu Capital as well as the CMO here at the Russian round up.

Himitsu Capital is an institution built on the decentralised financial market that has put together a campus of services that aids all stages of development for upcoming blockchain start-ups from seed to above and most importantly beyond the entry to market phase.

I’ve had a few people ask what the word Himitsu means and it’s a Japanese word that translates to mean “Secret” in English that highlights the enrichment of opportunity that Himitsu Capital provides to project founders to aid their ideas and bring them to life.

Russian DeFi: Himitsu has been the most interesting work I have contributed to in the market just for the detail and difficulty required to make things work.

Knowing how hard you work EVERYDAY my main question is what inspires your passion for the venture capitalist space which often gets looked down upon in the crypto space?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): My passion for the VC space originated from seeing projects I’d invested in failing and personally knowing how they could’ve taken steps to avoid the mistakes they had made for example insufficient marketing in place, token economics that may have needed tweaking, to even creating the project in the first place in saturated markets where a lot of the projects we’re simply copying each other's concepts and designs which in most cases is a recipe for failure.

This had me thinking that I could have an impact or even a little say to recommend how things could be done differently to make sure that start-ups take the right steps to ensure that they can perform to the best of their abilities.

Russian DeFi: Work that comes from a place of wanting to better the crypto economy is always received well and we have seen that through the vast partnerships that Himitsu has secured early on in its life span.

GT-PROTOCOL X Himitsu Capital🏔
INFINITE LAUNCH X Himitsu Capital🏔

Touching on your inspiration for the VC space, I’d like to ask what do you think the importance is to have venture capitalists like yourself with the right intentions for their investors?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): I’ve already kind of touched on this in my previous answer but in all, I believe the benefits of VCs like us in the space are here to provide valuable guidance and expertise to up-and-coming start-ups with the campus of services we have put together we do believe.

There is no doubt a lot of VCs don’t have the same ethos but, we do.

Russian DeFi: Already I can see you have a steep passion for separating yourself from the capabilities of those VCs ruining the industry.

Following on from that where does the lack of integrity in the capitalist scene begin in your opinion?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): The lack of integrity within the venture capitalist space in my opinion begins with VC founders themselves, who have not set clear-cut goals nor have a vision of where they’re trying to take their firm or plans on how they’ll look to support startup founders with their ideas.

The value of good business integrity is so key and I can’t stress it enough as having it will only drive your firm’s value upwards not just economically but ethically as well.

Russian DeFi: I have a very stern stance on venture capitalism and from your guidance I soon understood the issues you're addressing don’t come from the beneficial venture capitalists but more the ones we all should steer clear from.

Going into more depth about Himitsu itself, what is the process of identification for Himitsu Capital to be able to examine which projects are worth your capital?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): I like this question.

Before Himitsu Capital makes any capital investments, start-ups will have to meet and surpass our criteria to ensure that they do have the potential to be a competitor in the market they’re looking to enter. The biggest one for me is solid management, just because we’ve got to remember we’re not investing in a project but we’re investing in an idea that a team has come up with.

We will provide Capital to teams that have a clear-cut plan on how they will execute their business plans. Assessing the size of the market is another crucial factor we use when deciding what start-ups are worth our capital. Competitive advantage is another important factor we take into consideration. A startup wants to come into a market with large competitors. What will they do to make them different from the big players in the market? As well as gauging the interest of consumers.

The process of identification is undervalued in my opinion as many of the VCs I’ve seen and come in contact with have been obsessed with the X’s returns in the short term rather than longevity in the market. We ask the question: Is this a product for today? or a product for the next 5 to 10 years?

Russian DeFi: You hear me every day speak about the importance of rational optimism and having expectations relevant to the sort of environment we are in and Himitsu having external efforts to sieve through projects is something all aspiring VCs should note down. We have looked through so many decks that haven’t made sense and your ability to draw the line between what aligns with the market and your thesis is exceptional.

BRANDPAD X Himitsu Capital🏔

Going back to the partnerships Himitsu has managed to secure, I’d love to know what your proudest moment is so far?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): We’ve had some very solid exchanges, Institutions and projects approach us but I think the proudest moment was bringing it out to the public space.

Bringing something to life is commonly overthought, and looks like the hardest part when thinking about building something from absolute scratch, but creating a platform for yourself to move along further has proven to be very influential for the development of Himitsu Capital.

Himitsu Capital🏔

Russian DeFi: I can sort of resonate with you there when you talk about the art of bringing something to life sort of trying to admire how far you’ve come but as well maintaining the work ethic to keep it going.

Going into a VCs perspective of analysing/evaluating the markets, I have a habit of not being able to differentiate fundamentals between macro trends which often makes it hard to invest on an individual level. I can imagine this impacts your decisions as a VC firm and I’d like to ask how do you identify what the market is looking for while maintaining your bias?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): They both do play a big part in the kind of projects we tend to go for with fundamentals being the foundation and analysis of macro trends being a sort of follow-up, it’s useful to consider both and most importantly paying attention to the shifts in macro trends.

It's key that we conduct extensive market research to see what the people want while also asking ourselves as a VC the question: If we were normal consumers would we use the product or service a start-up is offering? For how long? Would we recommend it to other consumers? It just gives you a view of how important it is to take macro trends into consideration and use our bias to justify the sustainability of the idea.

Russian DeFi: That's a very critical way to look at things because you sort of manage to create a thesis on what products/dApps you want or any innovative ideas and then see where it fits on a wider scale as like the filter. It doesn’t sound too dissimilar to what experienced investors/traders would.

You said previously the importance of looking at these projects as startups and fulfilling the role of aiding their development post-launch stage which makes it clear that Himitsu strives to continue supporting blockchain startups past the launch phase, how does this again differentiate from competitors?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): I’ll be very honest with you Russian, from watching a lot of firms in the space I’ve noticed that only a small number of them decide to support start-ups past their token launches.

However Himitsu Capital has put together a range of services such as the connection we have with yourself and The Russian Roundup that we will be able to assist project founders with the development of their ideas before they launch and most importantly beyond their token launch.

As much as fundraising is key for start-ups to develop their products it’s simply not enough, in my opinion, The whole point of being a VC is to provide support through all stages of development which many VCs should take into careful consideration.

Russian DeFi: Once again this is what I was attempting to highlight here about being able to allow the work you do to operate for itself and create the best opportunity for your clients as well as genuinely contributing to projects that could benefit the space, which is the part of this I love.

Before we wrap up it’s only right we ask, what can we look forward to seeing from Himitsu in the upcoming months?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): The next few months will be crucial to the growth of Himitsu Capital. I can’t go into too much detail about our plans but you should expect us to be consistent in our support for founders and start-ups.

You should also expect us to partner with some of the biggest institutions and crypto exchanges in the world 👀. We’ve got many things in the pipeline so hopefully, the readers can stay in touch with our work.

Russian DeFi: I can certainly guarantee that there will be strenuous hours behind the work in the upcoming months and I can't wait to get involved and express that to the readers!

In convention, id like to conclude with this, how would you like your work to be remembered regardless of what this emerging crypto-economy could become?

Himitsu Capital (Tmorebandz): Himitsu wants to be remembered as the VC that’s had a say and supported the development of projects that will be massively adopted in the future by worldwide consumers as well as governments as we would want to leave a legacy in the space.

Russian DeFi: Working closely I can guarantee that without a shadow of a doubt the crypto space appreciates hard honest work done correctly and that's what each product on the stage built is with those groundworks.

It’s been a pleasure having this joint article and you can find the rest of the Himitsu Capital🏔 links below👇

Himitsu Capital:

⚠️: The Russian Roundup & Himitsu Capital🏔 Are Disclosed, Partners

As a reminder this is not a trading signal nor is it investment advice, it is an opinion and each trader/investor should know and understand the risks attached to trading cryptocurrencies. At no point should this be regarded as financial advice, feel free to familiarise yourself with our NFA disclaimer.

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